I want to speak of softness
and the beauty of the moon
A light that softly opens hearts
And lets us gently swoon
I want to speak of kindness
And of listening with deep love
The kind of ears that change the tide
From ebb to flow above
I want to speak of openness
Allowing all with grace
Of opening and receiving
And helping us to face
The hardships of just living
And just being who we are
The harshness of competing
In a world that’s full of war
It’s time now for a gentler tone
A sweeter, softer choice
It’s time for that which has no name
To also have a voice
To sit at the big table
And be heard with open hearts
The balanced view, the human touch
The formless spiritual arts
The essence of our nature
Deserves a seat and more
We only will survive this place
If we can learn to soar
And remember why we came here
To remember what will serve
To remember we are love and light
And remember we deserve
And yearn for our connection to
Divinity AND to Earth
We must know what is treasure
What is really wealth and worth
I call upon the grandmother,
The maiden and the mother
The women of all ages
The crone and the sweet lover
The feminine in all her forms
Her time has come and fast
We really need her gifts right now
If we are all to last
It’s time to go beyond the mind
Mad thoughts that run the show
It’s time to place our faith and trust
In a deeper kind of KNOW.
It’s time to all remember
That what will help us heal
Is letting go of big ideas.
It’s time to really feel.
- Elizabeth Lovius Spain May 2019
About this poem
I wrote this after watching a documentary that took 10 years to make called Time of the Sixth Sun about what Indigenous people have always known, we belong the the earth, not the other way around.
Especially the grandmothers. They know. We need to remember who we are and where we fit into the whole. We need to move from our heads into hearts. If we feel into it deeply – we all know what’s true. It’s time to change and the divine feminine energy in both sexes must rise to hold the earth and balance out the imbalanced masculine energy focus on progress and achievements at all costs. At least that’s how it looks to me. Common Sense. And urgent.