Beauty and love are your domain
Tending softly to the pain
When others suffer or feel fear
Are lost or sad their hearts laid bare
You bring the blankets and pillow
You hold a hand and sweetly show
That life is hard but that’s ok
That all is well, right now, today
You keep the hearth tidy and neat
It’s simple, but it’s no mean feat
To sweep and clean and sort it through
You make the time to mend, make do
You bring such heart to tiny chores
A quiet peace of mind is yours
When you can serve the physical form
Adore it, heal it and adorn
With beauty you have faithfulness
You are the touch, the soft caress
That tells another it’s alright
That dawn will come, after the night
You cherish what there is right here
No judging, fixing or despair
You yield and bend and make the space
You keep it simple, slow the pace
You know that things will find their path
A better road is just to laugh
And gently offer up a smile
Or time to be and rest awhile
You know just where to put your touch
It’s not too little or too much
You know the body inside-out
And how to let the pleasure out
From sultry moments in the bed
To gorgeous meals where we’re well fed
And satisfied down in our bones
Your favourite sound is happy groans
But most of all I want to say
Your patience just blows me away
You let me be all that I am
(And that is sometimes less than grand)
My heart is filled for knowing you
My senses blessed by all you do
Forgive me when I set aside
Your wisdom — cause I’m blind from pride
It must be said, for it is true
We are ALL here because of you
You are the Life force at its best
Dear Lover, through you: I am blessed.
- Elizabeth Lovius Hackney June 2019
About this poem:
Inspired by noticing that of all the Archetypes, the Lover was getting the least airtime and appreciation and so I tended to put that aspect last. On realising this, I took another look and saw how truly wonderful the Lover energy is.
I wrote this for all the Lovers who love. And for Nurses everywhere.
I also wrote it to honour the archetypal divine feminine energy of The Lover inside us all — whether we are male or female. And to let her know I see and feel her. And of course to the One Love — the One who is Love.
For leaders who want to lead with humanity, heart and wisdom.
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